Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Influence Conference


This is me and I am part of a fun link up with other women who will be attending the Influence Conference. I have been looking forward to this event for so long it is hard to believe it is almost here!

Two things I will most definitely pack.
1.) My camera( my job will actually be to photograph the event)
2.) My favorite yellow box flip flops that I pretty much wear until there is snow on the ground.

Two things I am most looking forward to .....
1.) to get to meet so many ladies that I already feel like I know but have never really met and also new ladies who I don't know anything about.
2.) being open and willing to learn and be used in whatever ways the Lord wants.


natalie said...

just stopping by to say hello! hope to meet you at influence!

Brooke said...

Hope to get a chance to meet you at the conference! I was excited to see someone from Bluffton-I live next door in Adams County! :)

Annie said...

I feel the same: I've been looking forward to this year's conference so long I keep forgetting it's only two weeks away!

I love that you wear flip flops up until it snows. I'm from MI so I definitely don't blame you!

Heather said...

I'll make sure to have a very natural smile every time you're around. ;)

Kerrie Williams said...

how fun that you're the photographer! See you there!

Unknown said...

Hi there! I'm one of those ladies you don't know anything to all things Influence & currently blogless. Stopping by via the link-up. Debating on what shoes to bring; I've been living in flip flops so I'm trying to figure out what else I can wear that's comfy + easy + goes with everything!

@lisavdesigner on Twitter/Instagram